best music teacher in ann arbor

Private Lessons - Kaysen Chown

private lessons with Kaysen Chown

Kaysen Chown


Kaysen Chown recently graduated from the University of Michigan School of Music Theater and Dance with a degree in Audio Engineering. She values a multidisciplinary approach to music as a multi-instrumentalist and song-writer/composer with years of experience in audio production and recording. She began her passion for music with piano around 4 years old, taking lessons from her father who teaches private lessons as a professional jazz pianist. Shortly after, she started violin lessons and fell in love with participating in small and large ensembles after playing violin and later viola in her school’s orchestra as well as the Michigan All State youth orchestra. Enjoying music from various genres in the realm of rock and folk, she began playing guitar at around 9 years old, and since has studied repertoire within the styles of classical guitar, fingerstyle picking, and jazz. Combining her skills with each instrument, she later began composing and learning techniques of audio production which led her to U of M’s Performing Arts Technology program where she spent the next five years working in a professional audio studio, collaborating with musicians, and recording and performing original music in a variety of bands. Currently she plays violin and acoustic guitar with the Ann Arbor folk-rock group Kingfisher, a seven piece ensemble that has played at popular Ann Arbor venues such as the Blind Pig and has toured around the midwest and east coast. With her years of experience in a diversity of musical disciplines, Kaysen looks forward to encouraging prospective students to explore the music that uniquely excites them. She hopes to tailor an educational approach that values the student’s personal goals and skills as top priority in order to cultivate a collaborative student-teacher relationship.

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